Die Kanadierin ist bereits seit einigen Jahren als erfolgreiche Schlagzeugerin auf Bühnen und in Studios zuhause. 2020 wurde sie durch die Social-Media Plattform TikTok auf einen Schlag einer breiten Masse bekannt und konnte durch kurze Schlagzeugcover bekannter Hits über TikTok Millionen begeistern. Wir durften ihr für unsere Interviewreihe „beyerdynamic trifft“ ein paar Fragen stellen – viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Bitte beachte: Das Interview wurde auf Englisch geführt und kann im Folgenden im Original gelesen werden.
In the interview: Domino Santantonio
The canadian drummer tells us about her drumming style, what role TikTok has played in her career so far and what`s up next for her.
Studio or Stage?
Domino: Stage
Headphones or Loudspeakers?
Domino: Headphones
Coffee or Tea?
Domino: Coffee
beyerdynamic: For the beyerdynamic Blog readers, who do not know you yet, please briefly describe yourself in 2-3 sentences:
Domino: My name is Domino Santantonio, and I’m a female drummer from Montreal, Canada. For the last seven years, I have been touring, recording and performing with some of the top-selling artists in Quebec and was also the drummer for several big shows. In the past year, I have gained impressive visibility on social media, and now, part of my career is to do drums videos for several online platforms!
beyerdynamic: What musical influences shaped and still shape your drumming?
Domino: I love various genres of music, but I have a preference for pop-rock music! What shaped and still shapes my drumming is playing music with my peers and listening and watching other inspiring artists.
beyerdynamic: You are part of a new, self-confident generation of female drummers. What advice would you give to female drummers who wish to start with a professional drumming career?
Domino: My main advice would be not to overthink yourself. If drumming is what makes you happy, then this is how it’s supposed to be. Just be true to yourself and have fun doing it!
beyerdynamic: You became famous through drum cover videos on TikTok – how can we imagine the process and the creation of your reels, stories or drum covers? How do you choose the songs you play to?
Domino: I have my drum setup at home, so I usually do all my drum videos in that space. But sometimes, I love to go out of the box and find originals ways and locations to do some of my videos! I’m always trying to follow the trends of the moment, listen to people’s requests and, of course, choosing songs that I love to play.
„I decided to post a TikTok video (…). A few hours later, I had reached one million views on that 15 seconds video.“
beyerdynamic: The corona pandemic led to many challenges and limitations for all of us. However, the situation has also helped you to considerably increase your fanbase online. Do you remember the day you uploaded your first video on TikTok and the moment your account literally „exploded“ afterwards?
Domino: Yes, it was one of the most memorable moments for me because I didn’t expect that to happen! I decided to post a TikTok video a day before the pandemic of the famous song « Hips don’t Lie » by Shakira, which was a popular trend at that moment. A few hours later, I had reached one million views on that 15 seconds video. The next morning I had over 10 million views, and my account literally „exploded“! I was so excited! That was the moment where I realized that my life as a drummer was about to change. I’m so grateful for everything that has happened to me in the past year!
beyerdynamic: In 2020, you also became the face of the official TikTok campaign in Canada. How did you experience the launch of this campaign that amongst others featured your face on Toronto’s tallest skyscrapers?
Domino: When TikTok Canada contacted me, I didn’t know that this campaign would be that big! But when I went to do the shooting photo in Toronto, I realized how big it was! The team was just incredible, and the pictures were breathtaking! I was so excited when I saw myself for the first time on the giant skyscrapers and in the publicity broadcast on National TV! Such an indescribable feeling!
beyerdynamic: You also interact very strongly with your fanbase on your social media channels – surely an exception amongst artists on social media. How do you handle this new kind of work routine on a daily basis? Is it difficult not to stare at your channels 24/7?
Domino: At first, it was important to me to answer all the people reaching out to me. Then, I realized that I couldn’t possibly answer all of them. I’m doing my best to give as much feedback as possible to the people, but I have to keep in mind that it’s important to allow myself some time off the social media!
beyerdynamic: Last year has been very exciting for you – what can your fanbase expect this year from you? Any plans that you can already talk about?
Domino: My plan for the next year is, of course, to keep doing online content and being present on all social media platforms. Hopefully, if things will go back to normal, I will be going back on tour doing live shows and show that side of my career that people may not know about me!
„I love how your microphones capture every detail of my drums and the fact that they are high quality and so easy to use.“
beyerdynamic: We are very happy about our cooperation. You have already toured with some of our drum microphones, e.g. the clip microphone TG D58 or the ribbon microphone M 160. What do you appreciate about our microphones?
Domino: I’m so happy about our collaboration too! Such an honour to be part of the beyerdynamic family! I love how your microphones capture every detail of my drums and the fact that they are high quality and so easy to use. On top of that, they look so great on my drums!
beyerdynamic: How would you describe beyerdynamic in 3 words?
Domino: If I had to describe beyerdynamic in 3 words, that would be: reliable, high quality and versatile.
beyerdynamic: Thank you very much for your time. We wish you all the best for your career and are excited about our cooperation.
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Noch nicht sicher, welche Drum-Mikrofone du für dein Set benötigst? Dann nutze unseren Drum-Mikrofonberater und finde heraus, welches das für dich passendste Mikrofon ist. Zum Berater >
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